dimanche 31 mai 2009


There should have been more paint on the cardboard but with a closer view the result is better


During Linda Colsh's worshop in Quevaucamps, a student gave me this piece of corrugated cardboard. I painted it with a roller and black diluted acrylic paint.

mardi 26 mai 2009


I am just back from Coxyde at the belgian North sea coast where I met Nathalie.
We knew each other through Quilt University and Dena Crain on-line courses since 2003.
But from a virtual contact she became not only a real person but also I discovered that she is such a nice and creative person.
In Belgium we have a problem. It is quite unbelievable for such a small country that we have to get artquilting contacts with Internet tool. All the small quilting clubs are so traditionnal: chatting, drinking coffee and eating cakes, following allready made patterns, buying expensive pure cottons and ZERO creativity goals
So, I invite all of you to visit her blog http://creativehours.blogspot.com/

vendredi 22 mai 2009

My place

This is the Nanfurnal building. I am living on the ground floor, so it is like having all the garden for me (without lawn mowing).
We still have wildpigs, foxes, stone martens, stags and many visitors.
Welcome and enjoy

stone marten

Do you also have those stone martens living in your environment?
To-night she or he was just enjoying some peanuts on the other side of my door. Last year we had the daily visit of a fox.
I have to say that the building we are living in was supposed to be
a hospital for tuberculosis 40 years ago in the middle of the Ardennes.
I will post a photo of the view that we are enjoying.

dimanche 17 mai 2009

rudi's tree

Voici la deuxième de mes photos sélectionnées, elle est publiée ce jour par www.creativity-portal.com/prompts/365/picures

lundi 11 mai 2009

Soul of africa

The suprise of this quilt done for the "Music" exhibition is that I have scanned a CD that was just like any standard CD.
Then it came out with different colors which were matching with the background fabric. Then I had just to print them onto the fabric.
The dancers and the CD are hand applique as well as the quilt

mardi 5 mai 2009

Artistic ramble

During the week end we have organized a ramble in the region of Nassogne.
Different artists will exhibit their works of art: paintings, carvings, drawings, sculptures and of course my arquilts.
My house will be open and your are mostly welcome

dimanche 3 mai 2009

The Letter

One of the photos of the opening day of the Letter exhibition in Liège

samedi 2 mai 2009


This will be my participation in the next artistic exhibition.
I call it "african music partition"